I didn’t plan for it to happen this way…

Really, I didn’t! I never dreamed Cindy and Tom were coming home and they would be the ones to kick us into gear and get things moving along on OUR kitchen. We had just (98%) finished the church kitchen and really thought we’d take a break from “kitchen-y” stuff for a while. But after we painted momma’s living room ceiling and hallway and Cindy suggested maybe they could help us on OUR kitchen, it was just TOO good of an offer to refuse! Really the hardest part was picking a time when we were going to start. Cindy said we’d start the next day…and we did! We are SO grateful for their help and I spent probably an hour on the phone with her tonight asking her every question in the book… of course, she had answers! Until next time… then I’ll ask her my next batch of questions. :o)

But this post isn’t going to be about kitchen stuff; it’s about something I realized this morning at church. They announced that Easter was 3 weeks away and at first I did a silent *gasp* and then I wanted to jump up and shout, “NO, it can’t be so… I’m not ready… I don’t have any dresses completed yet… I only made one for Christmas, one for Valentine’s Day, and now I’m only looking at one (so far) for Easter? Tell me it’s not true!” But I checked on my calendar and my phone and it’s true…it’s 3 weeks away!!

I have a little problem too… I have so much stuff stored in my sewing room that I can’t even get to my sewing table… oh dear, now I’m really in trouble. There are boards and ladders and stools and more! So I’m going to have to come up with something to keep you all happy.
I said when I started my kitchen I wasn’t going to ONLY do “kitchen construction” posts and I want to keep my word on that. For my new subscribers, I usually talk about sewing and dolls, but lately I’ve had to do a little “kitchen talk!”

I know you all know I’m a “detail” person…at least on my sewing…(other things too, but for now, we’ll stick to sewing.) I like to show close up details of my dresses in pictures so you know just what you are getting when you buy a dress from me. It also keeps me on my toes and sewing to the best of my ability for YOU! I won’t do a slide show of Easter dresses just yet, but I’ll share some close ups of some dresses…and hope you enjoy the “parts” you see…This is usually my favorite part… the “embellishing!”

Did you guess what doll was featured in all the pictures?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “I didn’t plan for it to happen this way…”

  1. I was looking at Elizabeth in that amazing burgundy dress and glanced at the window to the side and noticed the roof of the building outside. I immediately started wondering where that building was at Jeanne’s house. Took me a moment to realize that it was just Scenes/Settings and not at your place. Silly me.
    I think a tutorial on the choke collars on Kristen and Addie’s outfits would be wonderful. Unless you have done that already. They just stand up so nice and look crisp.
    And yesterday we were at Orchard picking up furnace filters and I noticed a display of shiplap siding. Already finished in several different finishes. They really looked great. One was a shabby chic peeling look in whitish of which other person replied who would want that in their house? Eye roll! At least he looked at beadboard. 🙂

      1. Hi Joy,
        I was wondering the same thing this morning, when I woke up to no comments. I double checked to make sure I had hit the publish button with the right date! Everyone was sleeping in, like you said!
        I had to smile when you mentioned the window behind Elizabeth. I had to look back at my picture too.
        Oh dear, your other person wouldn’t like my taste at all…I love the distressed look…not cruddy, junky, awful peeling stuff, but I do like the edges sanded with the wood showing through…I guess I’m a slightly distressed person!
        Cindy just texted me that she saw some shiplap too…I need more…I’m thinking of pulling out my base cabinets to see if they went all the way to the floor with it.
        Thanks Joy,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I love your attention to details, Jeanne! Thank you for sharing what you do with us and inspiring us to look at materials and products with fresh eyes.

    1. Thank you Lynn,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my pictures today!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Well, I just lost my email, Jeanne! I should have stuck with the desktoptop, and not the iPad. I had said that I love the lace embellishments, and the ribbon embroidered flowers, but the purses too are just adorable! When there are so many darling things to choose from, I simply can’t make up my mind, and could probably sit here all day looking at everything. Monday is always kind of busy for me anyway, so I wasn’t able to get to the blog earlier.
    Joy, your husband is a character, and I always get a good laugh out of him!
    Jeanne, I hope you were able to get some things done this weekend while we had that beautiful snow! It looked like a fairyland around here!

    1. Hi Linda,
      We didn’t get a single snowflake around here, but about 40 minutes southeast of here, the schools were closed today. It went just south of us.
      We had too many activities going on this weekend and didn’t get much accomplished.
      It was little Sara’s 13th birthday and they had a party for her. We were gone from 8:45 yesterday morning until 5:30 last night. By then it was late to get started on anything.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures today.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Those are wonderful pictures. I love the 4th one with the fine lace on green with pink accents. The last one too with the ribbon embroidery is so sweet. That was a fun picture show to start the week!

    1. Thanks so much, Kathie,
      That green jacket was on Samantha…before I even owned a pair of shoes for her. My pictures of her are with her just in her thigh highs…no shoes.
      Glad you enjoyed them.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What beautiful details you’ve shown us Jeanne. Each are so unique. The first one on Samantha is crisp with the white over the burgundy. Your talent never ceases to amaze me. Oh, the lace bodice over the white dress with roses…stunning.

    Anxious to see more kitchen pictures.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet compliments, Paula. I really appreciate them.
      My hubby is being attacked by a cold, and not feeling 100%, so I’m trying to do quite things while he’s sleeping.
      Rhanks again, Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dear Jeanne, what lovely touches! Who said, “love is in the details” or something like that? Your love of sewing and pretty touches definitely shines through.

    1. Thank you so much, Dorothy,
      I DO love to sew and I’m glad you see “the love” in my outfits.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I can’t believe there are still pictures I haven’t seen, or is it my memory that’s failing. Wren with the dogs is adorable and the purse with the metal decoration. Every one is exquisite. It would make a good contest to have us guess which dolls they are, and I know a few ladies who would get every one right, but it wouldn’t be me. Thanks for another great post.

    1. Hi Susette,
      After I wrote that post last and was in bed, I was thinking about all the pictures I picked to showcase and thought…if I “ever” did a book, I’d almost like to do a “look book” and just have hundreds of pictures like that in it. It’s kind of silly, but I even enjoy looking at them myself!
      Thanks so much, Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I just subscribed and wanted to tell you that I don’t mind the kitchen updates. I am so happy you are getting a new kitchen! I like the doll posts, too, but everyone has things happen so we can’t sew all of the time!

    1. Hi Connie,
      Thank you for subscribing to my blog. I hope you’ll enjoy it here…I have a really wonderful group of ladies who chat with me and everyone else each day. I hope you’ll join in with your comments.
      I am so excited about my kitchen too!!! It’s going to take a while, but hopefully it will be worth the wait!
      Thanks so much Connie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. A look book with basic patterns in back would be a very pretty book. It deserves more thought. But you do have lots of completely lovely photos and could probably manage a few closer pictures of more of the details. Finding favorite pictures would be easy. You could us about the patterns we thought were essential. If I were creating chapters, I think I’d choose Felicity and Caroline; Kirsten, Addy, and Civil War patterns; Early 20th Century (Samantha, Rebecca, Kit, and Molly); the LD’s; and Others. I wonder whether you want a larger book or a series of smaller ones. I’m sure we can get opinions from the group.

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      Oh, Marilyn, you are so funny…sort of…I think you might be serious about the book. I can’t even imagine!!
      I can’t even find my way to my sewing machine, so I’m going to have to find another “non-sewing” post. I hope I can think of something…
      Thank you, Marilyn, for always being such a cheerleader for me!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. What can I possible say that hasn’t already been said except, Wow! Just wow!

    Your attention to the tiny details is amazing. Not everyone has that knack to just take everything one step further than just the basic pattern. You and my sister, who is an amazing seamstress, specializing in Civil War ballgowns, has that in everything she creates.

    I often say I would like to spend a day inside the heads of people like you and her. I really think it’s something you are born with and that I guess it could be learned but I doubt it.

    I keep going back and forth looking at them and each time notice something new. I love the one that is white with tiny red flowers with the overlay of gorgeous lace on the bodice. Just an amazing touch to take the dress from pretty to gorgeous.

    Your love of sewing shows in every dress you show us.

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