Are you ready for a Spring GIVEAWAY?

Well, are you? I happened to be in Walmart today and saw all the fun and colorful things in the Easter aisle and I decided right then and there that on Wednesday we’d have a giveaway… but there’s a little bit of a twist this time… First of all, let’s see if you want to enter…

It’s a pretty flowered paper bag…

(If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.)

…filled with these items…and maybe some more…:o)

Want to see them a little closer?

Okay, so this is how this Giveaway will work. First you have to leave a comment describing your favorite Easter dress…(either below or by using the “Contact Me” tab under my header) I hope you remember how your dress looked! That will enter you into the drawing for the goodies shown…

Get your comments in on time because at midnight, Wednesday the 14th, Illinois Central time, I’m going to draw out 5 of the names of those who left comments and I’m going to email those 5 and ask for your address…(I might already have some of them.) If you get an email from me requesting your address, please send it to me and you’ll know you have a one in five chance of winning. I’ll then let the winner find the surprise in their mailbox. :o) After you receive it, I’ll tell everyone who was the winner! Got it? I hope it’s fun for you…

Now, on a different note, my hubby had to be taken to the ER today… some bladder issues again. They are planning on doing a procedure on Friday, most likely a biopsy, as the CT scan showed another tumor in his bladder… :o( I know many of you are prayer warriors and we’d covet your prayers from now until Friday! Thank you so much!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

31 thoughts on “Are you ready for a Spring GIVEAWAY?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m so sorry about your hubby! Yes, I will definitely add both of you to my prayer list!!

    Now, as to my favorite Easter dress (and my apologies for the length–it’s a good story!)…..It was winter/early spring 1961, we had moved out here to Seattle from Michigan the previous fall, and mom and I had heard about this FABULOUS remnant sale the Bon Marche (now defunct for a few years) had in their fabric department every spring. (Their fabric department disappeared quite a number of years ago–1970s?) Some of their remnants, we had heard, were good-sized pieces, too, so mom and I decided to go.

    It was overwhelming! rows of large tables, heaped high with fabrics of every description, and women all around, grabbing at fabric! I kind of looked, but I was pretty small back then (my full adult height was 4’6″, and I was 16, so probably not quite that tall yet) and there were So Many People!!

    Then….I saw a man with a Huge bale of fabric on his shoulders, walking towards one of the tables, so I got right behind him and followed him, and when he set down that bale, I was the first one to start grabbing! And I found THE Fabric!

    It’s a lavender gingham PLAID (not a check) with a pink “eyelash” flower with its green “eyelash” leaf in alternating white squares of the plaid. I was in love! I took it to mom and asked if she thought she could get a dress for me (shirtwaist, with gathered skirt) out of that much fabric. She though she could, so we got that piece of fabric.

    She had to make the skirt slightly less full, I believe, but I had my dress–short sleeves, round collar, button-to-the-waist (with Gorgeous opalescent buttons!), gathered skirt. It was my favorite dress, and I wore it and wore it and wore it……I wore it all thru h.s. and all thru college, and a little even after that–it was my FAVORITE dress!! Finally the underarm areas got too thin and worn to wear it any more, so what did I do?

    I KEPT IT!! And I still have it, 57 years later!! It’s in a bag in my closet, and every now and then I get it out and look at it, and remember.

    If I could get that fabric again, that exact fabric, I would, in a heartbeat, and make another dress! (Did I tell you, I LOVE that fabric?!)

    1. Great story Charlotte ! I’m pretty sure I know that fabric…has a similar shirtwaist dress that was white with pastel eyelashes all over it. One of my favs too. Post a pic of the fabric…who knows it may be in someone’s stash :0)

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thanks, Kathie and Marilyn!! I just might have to do that–take a picture and post it sometime!

  2. Oh Jeanne, I’m so sorry and surprised to hear about George. He looks like the picture of health in all the photos you have been showing while working on the church and your kitchen. You certainly CAN count on me for prayers!
    Well, I don’t think I can top that story that Charlotte told about her dress, because my favorite dress was made when I was about 6 and the details are sketchy—it’s been a long time since I’ve been 6! But my mother made my dress and also a matching one for my sister, but we only knew about the dresses on Easter morning, so were not a part of the selection process. They were a soft, yellow dotted Swiss, with a white organdy border around the bottom of the skirt, not a straight piece, but a scalloped one. It had pretty puffed sleeves, a white rounded Peter Pan collar, and a big, white organdy sash that tied in the back, like so many dresses do. The bodice had little pearl buttons and a white organdy yolk, but I am kind of sketchy on how it looked exactly. I cannot imagine how my mother kept us looking so good in those dresses, which required a LOT of ironing! Anyway, it was such a pretty dress, and we twirled and twirled in our new dresses when we got ready for church that morning! Another thing we did was try out our new Mary Jane’s in the tile floor bathroom, to hear them ‘tap’!
    While we always had a new outfit for Easter, that one is always the one I remember best and still to this day, am partial to yellow dotted Swiss and white organdy!

  3. Charlotte Amaro

    I’m so sorry to hear about George. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    My first Easter dress was a coat/bonnet/dress set that my Mother made. The outside of the coat/bonnet was a soft pale peach baby wale corduroy. The lining of the bonnet and coat was the fabric of the dress was a pretty floral with pale peach flowers and little green leaves. I still have the outfit.
    Hope you have a good day.
    Take care —

  4. I’m sending prayers for George, too. Hope all goes all well as possible on Friday. Kitchens can wait.
    My favorite was a deep purple dress, not for Easter but for a birthday when I was about nine. I still think of that dress now and then. Funny with all the clothes I’ve had since then. It was given to me by my grandmother, the one who was pretty stiff and old-fashioned and not given to gifts but that one was treasured. I wore it until it was far too small and my mother had to put her foot down.

  5. Prayers going up for George, so sorry to hear about this. My story has a little “sad” note. As a child and even into adulthood, I have always struggled with weight. It was difficult to find clothing for me at that time! So Mother had a friend who sewed, but not the best and most of the things that she made, always left me feeling so sad that I could not buy a store bought dress. That said, there is one dress that I did love and felt pretty in. It was a lovely taffeta with a scoop neck, wide collar and a full skirt. This one I remember to this day and recently on Pinterest I found a 1950 pattern that looked almost identical to it; I had one made for my doll.

    Just had to share that I found the exact pattern for my lovely dress. Advance Dress Pattern 7743, AG 1940/1950; sized for Chub-Debs. My dress had puffed sleeves, a round collar and scooped neckline with a full skirt and two gathered tiers. This one definitely made me feel pretty. ? If you go on Pinterest, you can see it. Jeanne, this pattern would made a great doll dress for the future.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I’m so sorry you felt that way about yourself Laureen. I’m glad you had at least one beautiful dress that you remember fondly. It sounds lovely!

      My dgd is also a bit heavier than most girls her age. She’s only 10, but I do love sewing for her; however, it’s challenging from 2000 miles away! She’s now tall enough that she can wear a ladies’ petite medium, although it can still be long on her, so things need to be shortened sometimes. I think the fact she can now wear a petite medium is a little nicer for her than going to the “plus girls” department!

  6. Dear Jeanne:
    I am so sorry to hear about George. I certainly will be keeping you both in my prayers.

    I was out of town for a week or so & have been catching up on all that has been going on – boy there was a lot! Glad you got a good start on your kitchen.

    The Easter outfit I remember was given to me by my Grandmother. She was the buyer for women’s and girls clothing at the department store in our city. I remember she went to New York City 2 – 3 times a year to pick out the seasons clothing. Quite a position for a woman back in the late 50’s – 60’s. Anyhow, as I remember, it was a violet – blue satiny sleeveless dress with a large white round collar that had flowers embroidered on it. I wore short socks with a ruffle around the edges and black paten leather shoes. There was a dark purple-blue coat and a red hat!!

    I will be leaving Friday to visit my grandson in Oklahoma (his 1st year in college) so no need to enter me in the contest. Good luck to everyone.

    Thanks for bringing back memories Jeanne.

    God’s Blessings to you and George ~

  7. Jeanne
    So sorry to hear about your husband and will keep you and him in my thoughts. Hoping that all goes well on Friday.

    Growing up we were very poor but lucky to have a aunt who was the most amazing seamstress. Never used a pattern and could make a outfit from something she would find at the thrift shoppe or would be given away. Her daughter, myself and my sister were all born a year apart and basically the same size except in height. The one dress that I will never forget and wish I had was a gorgeous, full skirt organdy dress. It had short puff sleeves trimmed in delicate lace which also edge around the neck. It had layers of soft netting underneath to hold the skirt out, so ’50’s. The front bodice had a overlay of the same fabric that was shaped in a V and edged with the same lace, it was sewn to stay down over the bodice. Their were ties that came out from the bodice/waist that tied in a bow in the back.White ankle socks edge in the same lace, black patent leather Mary Jan’es and matching purse. She also made us white coats which were flared, so not to crush the dresses, it had a collar that was edged in the same lace, as were the cuffs. She delivered them to our house the day before Easter and my mother nearly dropped dead….the were, much to my delight, red. My mother hated two colors red and black. Ironically they were and still is my favorite colors. Not sure my mother ever got over the color of the dresses but they were gorgeous and friends and family loved them. The three of us loved the dress and pattern so much we asked her to make it the next Easter but decided not to “kill” my mother and went with a gorgeous lavender.

    1. I am loving today’s comments. Jeanne, this is so much inspiration for you, and, Sandra, when I came to the red part, I had to smile — I am glad you got your red dress.

  8. Oh crackers, I’m so unhappy to hear about George. But, he’s a real fighter and will get through this too. Besides, there are more projects to accomplish and blue skies ahead.
    It has been absolutely wonderful to read about all of the well remembered dresses of the past. And to think that some are still around. I would so love to see pictures of each of them. Maybe that would be possible? I too have a special dress made by my grandmother for me in the early 1950’s. She made me quite a few over the years and the special satin slips that went underneath. I had a favorite blue one, but I think the one that survived was pink. I believe that I have something that a lot of you have mentioned. I actually still have my favorite pair of black patent leather shoes. Haven’t looked at the dress or shoes in years. Guess I will be digging out that box today.
    Thoughts with you and George.

  9. I feel like I’m trying to take over the blog because I kept making comments, but these stories are so great. And Laureen even has a pattern nearly like her dress. Think how happy Molly would be to model all of these dresses. She’s a lovely, generous doll so I’m sure she’d share after one twirl in each.

    Crackers, indeed. (Thanks to Joy for an appropriate expression.) I agree with Susette that George has been looking so remarkably healthy. I’ve been enjoying the pictures because all of you look so nice and so ready to handle anything that comes up, but I was thinking of kitchen emergencies. I was not expecting this. You’ve come through it before so you know how to do it again. At least you both know that there are a lot of prayers being said on your behalf.

  10. Hello sweet Jeanne,
    Prayers for your hubby. Sending loving thoughts and prayer for you as well.

  11. Sending good thoughts and best wishes that all will go well for your dear husband! *hug*
    When I was in grade school, we did an Easter Parade every year. The dress I remember most was blue sheer with a peterpan collar, tiny white lace trim, white gloves, white lace trimmed anklets with white shoes and a straw hat that got blown off my head when I walked by the fan on one side of the stage. 🙂

  12. Marilyn,
    You aren’t the only one enjoying these stories… I’ve read them and read them again… smiling at each of your stories. It’s funny how we can remember a certain dress so long ago. I don’t have time right now, but I’m going to find a picture of the one that I “think” was my favorite…and share it.
    Thanks for your prayers everyone! Love you all!
    Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Jeanne, I joined your blog about a year ago March. I seldom make comments but I NEVER miss a day reading your blog. I enjoy it SO MUCH. I just had to let you know I will be praying for George that God will give the doctors wisdom and that George will be completely healed.

  14. Jeanne, after reading this far with all the Easter dress stories, I can’t get over how many of us had mothers or grandmothers that sewed for us! I don’t think many young mothers do that anymore, or even grandmothers, but we certainly were the lucky ones! I guess there are too many working mothers now, although I can’t really say my mother didn’t work, with 4 little girls!!;-)

  15. Dear Jeanne, I will add your husband to my prayer list. I don’t have an Easter dress story. I think that if Charlotte doesn’t win the draw, she should get honorable mention because she still HAS her dress!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Hahaha!! Thanks, Dorothy! You made me laugh out loud! (I do tend to keep a Lot of things, though….LOL)

  16. Your Easter giveaway is so spring-y and festive, Jeanne, but please don’t enter me in contest, as their are many other deserving entrants. (And Charlotte should get an extra entry for having saved her dress!). The fond memories of my Easter outfit are enough for me! It was a lovely robin’s-egg-blue sleeveless dress with pleated skirt and embroidered bunnies on the bodice, a handmade gift from my Illinois grandma. The matching jacket had delicate white buttons, and the coordinating hat was much like Addy’s, with white ruching trim and a white ribbon tie. Mama added a white crinoline petticoat with ribbon edge, lace-trimmed anklets, white Mary Janes, delicate white lace gloves like mama’s, and my first “pocketbook,” containing shiny new pennies for the Sunday School collection. The best part was the matching outfit for my beloved dolly, Linda Lee, who went everywhere with me. I wore that wonderful outfit again a week later for my April birthday, and the memory of it still warms my heart.

    I am so sorry to learn about George’s recent scan. Surrounding you with love and friendship, and sending fervent prayers and blessings for courage, strength, comfort and healing. Hugs to you both.

  17. Yikes…poor George. Yes prayers for you both. Hope it will be a successful procedure!
    My Easter to remember was 8th Grade. Had my first heels…first nylons…first Suit ( grey wool) The choir had a practice room that was off the choir loft and down a few steps…as I came in the door I missed the first step…CRASH..down the steps..ruined the nylons and a had a big bruise to my pride!

  18. I wanted to leave a quick comment and let you know I will be praying for George. No need to enter me in the contest though, as I can’t remember a single Easter dress well enough to leave a description! I know I always got a new dress at Easter as well as a hat and shoes, but I’ll be darn if I remember what any of them looked like!

  19. Dear Jeanne, So very sorry to hear about George. I will certainly be praying for him
    As to my favorite Easter dress, that one’s easy although it’s a tie. I was ten and had gotten to go to my grandparents early for Easter school break. My grandmother had made me the loveliest dress of lawn the year before. It was a pale flowered fabric with peach and yellow flowers on a cream background. The Easter I was ten she had had cataract surgery a few months before and was unable to sew a dress. She felt rather sad about that , but was determined find something nice in the store. We went to Pogue’s which was a really nice department store. We found a dress that was robin’s egg blue with a white collar and yoke with tiny pearl buttons. It had a full skirt, perfect for twirling ( twirling is a necessity, you know) and a sash to tie into a large bow. Then we headed to the shoe department to pick out black patent mary janes. The Easter memory that means more to me than the dresses was always getting to go to my grandparents for Easter dinner. My grandmother always made homemade coconut cake with little nest dyed green containing jelly beans on top. She was the best cook/baker.

  20. Oh, how much I enjoyed reading everyone’s stories about your Easter dresses! It was wonderful how you all described your dresses and I wish every one of you had those dresses again… a few did hang onto theirs!
    Thanks so much for playing along with me!
    Blessings, Jeanne

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