“Asian Attitude” for Song…

Surprised ya…didn’t I? I bet you were expecting a “kitchen” post, weren’t you? We spent the day measuring and calculating for the boards we think we’ll need to buy and I thought that was going to be a pretty lame post, so I decided to find something a little more interesting and hopefully an outfit you haven’t seen before.

This is Debut Song, a 14″ doll from Helen Kish’s Chrysalis Collection. She was a beautiful doll with the prettiest braids. The 2 1/2 years I had her, I never took them down. She was as pristine the day I sold her as she was the day she arrived.

If you click on any picture it will enlarge.

I bought her brand new and absolutely loved her articulated joints. She truly was a joy to sew for. I went a little overboard buying Asian fabrics when she arrived and still think of her when I see one of them in my stash.

She was from the same collection as my Wren Pistachio. I loved them both. Apparently the dolls sort of lost interest with everyone, because the prices for making something and selling it bottomed out big time! It just wasn’t worth my time to sew for her any longer, so she went to live with a lady in England! :o) I hope she’s had a good time ever since!

The name of this 2010 set was “Asian Attitude” and it was made from an original pattern of mine that I used several times for Song. I looked up my description of it and this is what I wrote about it in my Ebay listing:

Song’s sweet TOP is made from a very lightweight red oriental print, that has been gilded (outlined in gold). It is from the “Shang Hai” collection of fabrics and is absolutely stunning up close. This is an original pattern of mine, which closes with snaps under hand embroidered ”frogs.” One side of the top is slightly longer than the other for a design accent. Bell sleeves are cuffed with a coordinating gold print. The top is lined in the front section and is neatly finished on the inside. The PANTS are made from the gold print with a band of the red at the hemline. They have an elastic waist and fit her very well.

I hope you enjoy these pictures of her…

I hope you enjoyed seeing sweet Song in her red and gold set!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on ““Asian Attitude” for Song…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Song is just beautiful–I can see why you liked her so well!!

    Her outfit is lovely, too, and very appropriate. That little fan is the perfect accessory for her!!

    What fun to see a new-to-me outfit! Now, how are things in the kitchen?! 😉

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Thanks for the compliments on Song and her Asian outfit. It was a joy to sew for her.
      We are picking up the wood trim pieces for the ceiling this morning!!!! YAY!
      Thanksso much Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Song is lovely. How nice to think of her as living in England. I hope Wren had and equally nice adventure — she was one of my favorites. Maybe Ten Ping can use some of Song’s fabrics. Or you can make Chinese New Year’s costumes for Samantha and Nellie and Rebecca. The LD’s are only an inch shorter than the Kish girls so the fabric should be in proportion for them too. Too bad there’s only one Chinese New Year’s a year. Your background fabric is beautiful too. Did you keep it just for Song?

    Thursday was a good day for relaxing all those overused muscles, though the measuring was probably more strenuous than it sounds. I hope today goes well and smoothly.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I was thrilled that Song got to leave Southern Illinois and live in England too!
      I’ll use up my prints eventually…and that background was 2 fabrics layered over one another.
      It was n I ce to take a break for a day…from the “hard” work…but we are picking up the wood to finish the ceiling…more work ahead! I hope we figured correctly.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Lovely outfit for Song! I like the asymmetric detail on her jacket.
    I sewed for the Kish kids too.. they were such fun!

    1. Thank you Shara,
      Do you still have your Kish dolls? I’ve found myself looking for Wren in the past. I thought she was so beautiful.
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I keep looking at Wren and Song when they come up occasionally on ebay. Still not cheap. I think they are classic.
    Hope you were able to use the trailer and pick up the needed wood. Or maybe it is today.
    My new girlie arrived a day early so I have been enjoying her. New dolls are always fun.
    Looking forward to the next kitchen post.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I just told Shara that I look for Wren and Song on eBay sometimes too. I think you’re right…they were classic dolls. It’s too bad they didn’t bring more money when I sewed for them.
      Oh Joy, you have to tell me which new girl you got and please send pictures so we can all enjoy her with you.
      We are on our way to pick up the wood to finish the ceiling right now. Who knows… I might have a new ceiling by the end of tonight. Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Late today, but still here! Song is a beautiful doll, she looks so graceful and elegant no matter how she is poised. I guess though, that there is a limit on what you can make for her to have a varied wardrobe. I think if anyone has or had Song and Wren, they probably don’t
    change their outfits like people with AG or LD dolls.
    So happy to hear that your kitchen is coming along , we will be seeing cabinets getting put in soon. Wait, don’t they have to be painted first? You have that figured out, don’t you? I guess Color Consultant Cindy helped with that!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I started out making all of Song’s outfits Asian, but then I kind of switched things up and made her a few American styles too.

      Yes, my cabinets have to be painted….but I’ll put them up first and then take the doors off before painting them. The frames will be painted when they are on the wall. It’s pretty exciting around here…yes, Cindy and I discussed white paint plenty!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. That outfit and a blue one on Song are two of my top five, I believe. I saw Song dolls but not with the braids. Is it possible to buy a wig with braids for a Song doll? But remind me that I don’t need another doll, please!

    Love seeing the pictures of your kitchen. Those strips will be bears, having to look overhead for so long to attach them. Can’t wait to see more of the renovation.

    1. Hi Susette.
      After I wrote this post last night, I looked on eBay and saw a Debut Song doll for sale. I searched in all my pictures to find Song’s outfit she came in, but I couldn’t find it. It was the sweetest white cami set and had the most adorable socks with it.
      We are on our way home with all our wood trim…Oh boy…lots of work ahead…but lots of prettiness too…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, you did fool us! Song looks lovely. The outfits are perfect. It is always sad to part with a doll we love but it is always wonderful to know that the doll will have a nice home.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I was thrilled to know that Song’s new mommy was in England….
      She’s probably doing just fine there.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Song is a gorgeous doll and her outfit is beautiful.

    Hope you get the wood you need and hopefully we’ll see some more pictures of your kitchen in the process of renewal. This has been fun to see it all the changes in your lovely home.

    1. HI Paula,
      We DID get our wood and are just about to start on something… not sure what my hubby’s plan of attack is, but we both have on our work clothes and are ready… Well, I just checked and he and Reuben are taking a cat nap in the living room… :o)
      It’s been fun for us too… probably more fun for me than him…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Happy Friday Jeanne!
    I hope your neck is feeling better. Count me as one who also enjoys your kitchen restoration. LOVE that shiplap : ) Keep those pictures coming, they are so inspirational!
    I think “Song” is lovely. I think her costume is beautiful, the hemline is very unique and custom. I really love articulated dolls, it’s so much fun posing them.
    More snow expected here in Western New York… YUCK! Come on spring!
    Enjoy the rest of your day Jeanne

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      Thank you for your compliments on Song’s Asian outfit. She was so much fun to sew for…pretty stylish, she was!!!
      I’m glad you’re enjoying our kitchen renovation. ..I’m slowly beginning to get the vision for it…
      I hope you don’t get too much snow!!!
      Thank you Ingrid,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. What a nice dolly surprise, Jeanne. Song is a beautiful doll with lovely, delicate features, and together with her poseability, I can see why you found her so enchanting. Sewing for her must have been a seamstress’ dream. Her red and gold “Asian Attitude” outfit is charming, and I love her hat with soutache trim. Did Rebecca make the beaded accent? It must have been hard to let her go, but it’s reassuring to know Song found a new home in England.

    Thank you for putting a “Song” in our hearts today, Jeanne. 😉 Glad you were able to able to pick up your wood, too. Hope to see more “new farmhouse kitchen “updates soon. Looking forward to oohing and aging over pictures of Joy’s new girl, too!

    1. Hi Anne,
      Yes, Song was a lovely doll and it was very hard to let her go. I saw a few on Ebay and a few completed sales…so some people are still interested in her.
      Her hat bling was made by me. I can do the little dangly things…just not the necklaces. I leave those to Rebecca.
      We are ready to start on “something” as soon as my hubby wakes up from his cat nap. If he gets a quick nap, he’s like a new man! Wish I could do that but I never have been able to.
      Thanks so much, Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Song looked very pretty in her debut set. I love her fan as I happen to have a human size one that is identical. I can see that as a seamstress you have to sew to the current trend and if/when a doll doesn’t turn a profit anymore, she has to go.
    Your kitchen is coming along and I’m sure you will be pleased when it’s all finished and workable again. I’ve been seeing the posts, but it’s usually so late (10 PM ) that I don’t bother to comment. I’ve been so busy helping my mom with things that finding free time is challenging.

    1. Hi Laura,
      Song was such a cure and it hurt to sell her, but she made room forore popular dolls. If I was a collector I would have kept her, but I’m really not one…sometimes it seems like it, though.
      We picked up the wood trim today and came home and did some more demolition…it’s really looking ugly now…we’re kind of in that stage like the church kitchen was…wondering if and when it’s ever going to be pretty!!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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