Guess who got a new dress on the day of the Eclipse?

Well, it turned out that Carbondale, Illinois, made it on the national news… We’ve been in the news before today with the events leading up to the eclipse, but nothing like today. The only problem was it looked mostly like a dud of a day for the eclipse from the Saluki Stadium. The clouds moved in just at the last few minutes and kept most of the people in town from seeing the total eclipse except for the last 10 seconds or so. There were 14,000 disappointed people in that stadium.

Well, I’m glad I didn’t go into town, because out where we live, about 2-3 miles from the stadium, I saw the eclipse perfectly…and I must say, I got a little caught up in it. I found myself going outside and checking every few minutes as the sun started being covered by the moon. I took some pictures of my gazebo in the same place each time to show you what happened here.

Here are a few pictures from about 15 minutes out…

…about 10 minutes to totality…

…a little over 4 minutes to totality…

…almost there…


When it reached totality, I decided to take a couple pictures of it with my camera…

And then almost as fast as it got dark, it started getting light again…

It turned out that there were lots of people in the area, but they were just spread out all over Southern Illinois. I’m sure they will give estimates in the next few days, but my hubby was in town and he said it got very busy down town with lots of people walking around. He was helping at our church hand out bottles of ice water… he said they must have handed out over 1000 bottles. They had bought 55 cases of water. It was in the mid 90’s today but the heat index was between 105 and 107.

The Ozzie Osbourne concert was held outdoors and I heard on the news over 12 people had to be carted away on stretchers for heat related problems…
The traffic was a little busy as everyone was leaving town. I didn’t hear anything bad on the news so I’m hoping things went as smoothly as the town had hoped…

When it was all over, I went into my sewing room and gave myself a talking too…

“It’s time to make a doll dress and do a dolly post!” So I decided I would show off Ten Ping and her new faceup! Lana Dobbs repainted her face and I just love the new pinky colors instead of the orangish look she had before… (She came from Lonestar Dolls in Texas…and is a Ruby Red Galleria doll.) I had the hardest time trying to pick the right fabric for her. It was as if everything looked wonderful on her but I wanted it to be perfect for her new look. We finally decided on a purple scrap that I had…mostly because Ten Ping had already raided the Dolly Toy box and found a purple bear she liked… So, I hope you like what we’ve gotten done so far… it’s not hemmed, and no snaps on the back yet, but you can see the start of it…

We did a quickie photo session at midnight, and this is what she looked like…

Here’s the bear she found…

She’s a real sweetheart now, isn’t she?

Well, I’d like to think that I can get it finished tomorrow… let’s hope so!

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Guess who got a new dress on the day of the Eclipse?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You got some wonderful pictures, Jeanne!! Thanks for sharing them.

    I love the start of your new purple dress for Ten Ping. Better not let my Ten Ping near the computer this week, or she may decide to go shopping! LOL

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      You better keep your Ten Ping away, because there will be more pictures coming up!
      I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Your pictures of the eclipse are WONDERFUL! I took some too, but gee, mine don’t hold a candle to yours! It was like that here too, although we didn’t have the cloud problem, we did have clouds, just not where the sun was. I thought things would get much darker when the sun was half covered, but no, it wasn’t until the last tiny sliver of the sun was showing that it really happened, and it went by fast! Got to see the corona during totality and that was a very pretty sight! Then just as fast as it got dark, whoosh, it got light again!

    Ten Ping will be so happy in that sweet little dress! To me, her new face coloring seems more natural for some reason, and I think you will find many more colors to put her in since her “re-do”. Happy sewing today, Jeanne!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I started to answer my comments this morning, then George had me do something…and I just now realized I never got back to them. Oops!
      The eclipse turned out to be a little more exciting than I thought it would be…I’m glad you enjoyed my pictures.
      Ten Ping’s face is VERY pretty now and she looks so sweet in this purple fabric. I’m so happy with her new look!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Thanks for letting us “be there” with you on the eclipse day. We were in the lower amount of viewing the eclipse but it was still diffused light and a quick glance saw that we had a rainbow halo around the sun. It was definitely a bit of a Twilight Zone feeling. It’s incredible how dark it got in your spot! Your pictures were great, Jeanne.

    Ten Ping will be so cute in her already looking very cute outfit. You’re a master at cuteness, quaintness, and elegantness. Thanks for bringing us along…and thanks to George for being amongst those who were handing out a “cup” of cold water.


    1. Hi Becky,
      I agree with you that it was a little bit eerie as it got dark in the middle of the day. I was going to keep an eye on my chickens to see if headed in to roost, but I forgot to watch them…
      I’m working on Ten Ping’s dress set tlnight…in fact…that’s why I forgot to answer your comments…
      Almost done!
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. There are beautiful pictures of the sun, but yours show the effects on earth of the eclipse. One can only imagine how it frightened ancient people who didn’t know the mechanics of an eclipse. Your pictures really show what happens better than any I’ve seen on TV. It didn’t get nearly as dark here, although I could see a bit of the eclipsed sun before a high cloud made its appearance at the height of the event. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    1. Thanks Susette,
      I’m glad I took the pictures of one place, my gazebo, to show the differences in the light and darkness.
      I’m sure it was very scary for those who didn’t know what was going on…
      Glad you got to see part of it too.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Thanks for sharing the “real” eclipse photos. Especially, since we were fogged in. We did watch the Carbondale News though and wondered what were the Saluki’s? Mascot is a dog?
    Anyway, the new and improved beautiful rosy Ten Ping looks great in purple. Very nice and productive day for you.
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Hi Joy,
      The Saluki is the mascot for SIU. It’s kind of like a greyhound…
      It has been a pretty productive day for me…and I also received a birthday card with a little “note” on the back…I won’t!! Did you remember that I mentioned about Oakland before?
      Thank you, Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Yes, I remember your mention of Oakland. My grandfather emigrated from Denmark before 1900, and the family settled in Oakland. Grandpa Veggo was just a toddler. I have his baby clothes. Only one baby bootie though with tag attached by his mother written in Danish. Other one was “lost” in New York. They had a lovely home in Oakland.
        Ok, the Greyhounds makes sense. Crazy, guess I was just thinking of a bunch of Saluki dogs running around. Out here, we’re more cat people. High School was the Panthers! 🙂

  6. These are great pictures — the best ones I’ve seen, partly because they are personal — the eclipse at a place I’ve seen often. Isn’t it funny that people all over find your gazebo and backyard a familiar places?

    Here if I hadn’t know it was happening, I would never have noticed, and we were relatively close. There, as Susette points out, if you hadn’t known what was happening, it would have been very frightening.

    I’m so pleased that you were able to get in some sewing time. Ten Ping now has a wider range of colors to choose from and her purple is very pretty. I’ll look forward to seeing the dress tomorrow, and maybe the start of what you are going to make to go with it.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I decided the gazebo might be the best thing to zero in on to see the differences with the light and darkness. I’m glad you liked the pictures!
      I’ve been working on Ten Ping’s dress off and on all day…boy, even when they are as tiny as hers is, it still takes a lot of time…
      I didn’t get it done, but I’m still working on it…
      Thanks Marilyn
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Ten Ping is soooo pretty with her new faceup.
    Lana is my favorite paint artist.. her dolls are so gorgeous!

    1. Hi Shara,
      Yes, I would agree with you that Lana is a master at painting! I feel so blessed to have Ten Ping painted by her. She’s very pretty in this purple color.
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I’m so glad you shared your eclipse photos–yours are definitely better than others I’ve seen. It’s amazing how dark it actually got there! Ten Ping looks good in her purple dress, and her bear is a perfect match.
    By the way, I looked at your post from yesterday, and the living room looks great! That crown molding made a huge difference. I’m so glad you got so much done and can now sit back and enjoy how nice it looks.

    1. Thanks Carolyn,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my eclipse pictures. It’s funny how 2-3 miles makes a difference. When my hubby came home from town and saw,my pictures, he couldn’t believe how dark it got out here.
      I am really enjoying my new color on rhe living room and dining room. It’s a very soothing color…
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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