Trixie Tonner in all her glory!

Just a quick reminder that Molly’s navy with colored polka dots dress is ending this evening on Ebay. —>>
This is the dress where one of my readers sent me a vintage piece of fabric from the 40’s and I made Molly this dress. You can see it HERE…or click the picture at the right side bar and it will take you directly to the Ebay listing. Here’s a picture of it just as a reminder…(I’m secretly hoping one of your “girls” gets on your computer and places a bid…for you!) :o)


Also, Becky, one of my readers sent me this picture of an Ebay listing… She said it reminded her of Molly’s dress… The auction ends Saturday evening.

Blog Vintage red headed doll sent to me from Becky

This sweet little doll is listed on Ebay for $20 and hasn’t gotten anyone to love her yet… :o( Here is the link to the listing if you’d like to see the rest of her…

Vintage Red Headed Doll

Okay, so if you haven’t seen Trixie’s new dress set on Ebay yet, here are some pictures of it… We decided to have a Tea Party with a few of her “animal” friends… and Elin got in on the modeling too… If you’d like to see the auction on Ebay, you can find that link HERE.








Sweet dreams everyone…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “Trixie Tonner in all her glory!”

  1. Jeanne, I love the way you set up the tea party! That elegant lace backdrop is just the thing to set it off! The tiny table and chairs with the tea cups and flowers are adorable, as are the little guests seated all around. Trixie is so cute with that darling dress and hat! The whole scene just makes me go “awwwww!”

    I am confused though, in your ebay listing, you go back and forth calling the dress for Patsy or Trixie, but I thought the doll was named Trixie. I am not familiar with these dolls, so maybe it’s just me not understanding!

    1. HI Linda,
      Yes, I thought a tea party was in order for this dress set. It just looked like it to me! :o)
      Thanks so much for your compliments Linda!

      The 10″ dolls are all the same size…it’s like all the AG dolls…all 18″ but even though they have the same face molds they have different names. The same way with the Tonner dolls… there’s Patsy (she’s the most commonly featured), Sophie, Ann Estelle, Trixie and other friends of theirs. they are just painted differently and have different eyes and lip colors. Sorry, I didn’t mean to confuse you…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Sweet tea party. All of the guests look pleased with the refreshments.
    I this set is a twofer. Lovely dress and then a perfect Halloween (slip) costume. Just add a wand, crown, and maybe some wings. Then you have a perfect fairy costume. The dollies will love it.

    1. HI Joy,
      You might be right… 2 dresses for one price! I love that you saw that!
      All the bears are still sitting in the chairs asking “when the tea will be served!” :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      blessings, Jeanne

  3. What a beautiful tea party for your dolls and bears to enjoy. I believe having tea with others can be very restorative. Thanks for sharing the sweetness with us, Jeanne.

    Take care.

    1. HI Becky,
      Sometimes in the summer months I will have a ladies tea in my gazebo, but it’s been WAY too hot lately to do that. We’ve had a bridal shower and a birthday party out there too… not gonna happen anytime soon!
      Thanks for your compliments on my tea party set up!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Happy Friday, Jeanne! That little vintage doll is so sweet, and her blue rick-rack dress is so similar in style to Molly’s polka dot one and evokes the same 1940’s feel. I hope that little red-headed dolly will find a loving home soon, and I hope Molly’s dress will go to someone who loves it as much as we all did.

    Such a pretty little tea table you have set for Trixie and Elin and friends, Jeanne, complete with a sweet bouquet! I agree with Linda that the lace backdrop creates just the right touch of old-world charm for a lovely tea celebration, and I agree with Becky that sharing tea with friends is a wonderful way to lift the spirits and soothe the soul. Wouldn’t it be nice if all of your readers could come for tea in your gazebo? What a fun afternoon that would be!

    Now my Tonner girls are asking for a tea party with their friends, too, and Patsy has her heart set on Trixie’s adorable turquoise dress for the event. I told her I would try for it, but I may have to get the tea party going now to distract her from the auction so she doesn’t push a button on the computer and go over budget on the bidding!

    Have a good weekend, Jeanne!

    1. HI Anne,
      Yes, how much fun we could all have under my gazebo if everyone could come. I would LOVE that! We could have all sorts of goodies along with our tea!

      You better keep those dolls of yours distracted and away from the computer …I have had some ladies tell me they had NO IDEA how some certain package ended up in their mailbox! …just saying… :o)
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I too love the lace backdrop. I also love Anne’s idea of all of your readers coming for tea in the gazebo and all of the ladies in your church calling each other and saying, “For heaven’s sake, take more [tea, cookies, chairs, paper napkins, tea cups] to poor Jeanne. Dozens and dozens of women keep arriving and greeting each other and inspecting her sewing room and laughing and talking and asking to see George and Rebecca and Kristofer and Reuben. They are in the house and on the lawn and in the chicken coop! And most of them brought dolls that are wearing the prettiest dresses.”
    I think it will be 96 here, but the late afternoons have been cloudy, and that helps a lot. I keep hearing about a heat dome, and it doesn’t sound like fun.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I enjoyed your imagination running wild when you described how it would be if we all met at my gazebo and had a tea party. I LOVED it!
      Thanks so much for sharing that! I’ll be thinking of that as I lay my head on the pillow tonight!
      Sweet dreams…that’s what I’ll have!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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