It takes extra time when you are making something that has lots of handwork on it…and I’m not talking about the handwork that shows; like pretty silk ribbon embroidery or bullion roses. It’s just there are hems to be hand stitched, seams to be anchored down, lace edges that need to be tucked and stitched in place and then there is the proverbial sewing on the snaps… If you want to see my tutorial on how to sew on snaps, click HERE. I thought you might like to see the inside of Felicity’s Caraco jacket too…
[If you click on any picture, it will enlarge.]
So, you’re probably guessing right now, “she must not have gotten the dress done” and once again, you would be right. I’ll try to make this post as interesting as I can and you’ll be so surprised when I finally do get all the pieces of this ensemble ready to show.
I thought you might like to see what I have collected and think I’m going to use to finish Felicity’s dress…I’ve picked out her straw hat, a lace scarf, a jar for something… and some silk ribbons. There are so many pieces to a Colonial dress set, I still have a few things to figure out, but here’s what I have so far…
A typical Colonial set might include these pieces to make the outfit authentic… a crinoline or cage (in the 1700’s), a corset, the petticoat (skirt), her Caraco jacket, a round eared cap, a straw hat, a necklace, a fichu to tuck in by her neck, and then, of course, “I” always have to find some kind of accessory to go with the dress set. It can take a while to get all the pieces made and then put together for a special look.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the “ins” and “outs” of my Colonial set…so far…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
It’s really starting to come together, Jeanne!! I love that deep coral silk ribbon, especially.
I have a question, though–what is that lace band on the inside of the jacket front? Does it have a particular purpose? Just curious.
Thank you Charlotte,
I had that silk ribbon in my stash and so glad I did!
The lace is covering up a seam. It might be too hard to explain in words but you’re an expert seamstress so I’ll try. I made the bodice front and bodice lining. I stitched them together at the bottom pointed section but just about an inch on the curved edge where the peplum would start. I stitched from the back seam all the way around the neck. Then the whole bodice was completely lined. I set in the sleeves and stitched up the side seams but there was no way to stitch my peplum ruffle in place so I had to split the inside lining piece under that lace piece, turn it inside out, and then stitch on my ruffle. Basically I guess if I had to explain it in simpler terms…its like a facing and the lace is hiding the seam where the two sections meet together.
Was that understandable?
Thanks Charlotte,
Blessings, Jeanne
Yes, thanks. Made perfect sense to me, Jeanne! Thanks.
Yes, I really have enjoyed seeing all that it takes to make this Colonial outfit. I feel quite honored to be a part of the process that you go through for each outfit and I do thank you yet again!
Take care.
HI Becky,
Thanks for coming along for the ride with Felicity’s dress. It seems to be taking me a long time to get this one finished, but hopefully soon… it will be done.
I’m glad you enjoyed seeing the pictures today…
Blessings, Jeanne
Please don’t tell me you made the hat! If not, where did you find it? What is the shape of the lace piece? Is it a real fichu designed to be applied or worn with a colonial-style dress? I did find silk ribbon in smaller size rolls on searching this morning. Maybe the jar looks like it contains strawberry jam with a fancy label made for it? The whole outfit is just beautiful.
HI Susette,
No, I didn’t make this hat for Felicity… it wouldn’t be hard though, if I had a mold for it.
I got several of them from a place in Virginia years ago.
It’s not a real fichu, but it certainly works well for one. I had to do a little shaping on the back of the neck. It originally was square. I’ll maybe show you tomorrow.
You might be right about the jar… but I’ll never tell…just yet!
Thanks so much Susette,
Blessings, Jeanne
It is so exciting to see all the different items you plan on using on the dress. The colors are divine and blend perfectly. I can’t wait to see the finish product and Jeanne, it is fun seeing the clues. I agree with Becky, it is an honor to see the process.
The lace and the ribbon are gorgeous. The outfit is looking really good so far and I have no doubt it will amazing.
The jar is interesting and such a tease!!
Hi Paula,
I’m glad you’re liking the things going on with Felicity’s dress up to now… I can’t wait to see the finished look either and glad you liked the “clues” I gave.
Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Paula.
Blessings, Jeanne
Jeanne, that is just going to be lovely outfit! I really love the colors and “extra’s” you have picked out for this dress! Oooh, a lace fichu?? And that little jar, knowing what I know, she may be going to some sort of fair with a jar of strawberry preserves!!
Love, the straw hat, and I have one like that from somebody who had it on Playthings. Hard to find those, Susette. They used to sell them in Williamsburg. There is some sort of website that does sell them, maybe you know of it Jeanne.
Yes, I know that things have to be as pretty inside as they are outside. I learned that in 4-H, and in my Home Ec. classes! There was no way you could “hide” your mistakes with judges and teachers! You things are always so nicely done, well, let’s say “professionally” done!
Thank you Linda,
I’m glad Felicity’s dress is turning out bit by bit… I just wish I could hurry it along a little faster. Everyone’s guessing the jar is for jam… how smart you all might be!!!
I’ll have to find the place where I got the hats…
You are so right about not being able to hide mistakes when you made something in 4-H. Those judges could spot a mistake a mile away…
Thanks Linda, for your sweet compliments on the dress…
Blessings, Jeanne
The straw hat will be perfect to keep the sun from Felicity’s delicate skin. Maybe she’ll win a ribbon for her preserves? I wonder if they had such contests back then? Love the silk ribbon colors. Had you lived in Colonial times, I’m sure you would have been quite in demand as a superior dress maker.
Oh, Joy, you’re guessing my story line…
You are SO sweet with your compliments on my work… I so appreciate your kind words…
Blessings, Jeanne
If Jeanne were a colonial dressmaker, she’d be waiting for a shipment of ribbons and laces from Cindy in England. Every letter between them would have each asking the other to come to the colonies or to come back to England.
The lace is beautiful, a wonderful finishing touch. I always love your straw hats and I especially appreciated Susette’s, “Please don’t tell me….”
A stash always seems like “she has too much,” but when you need something and can reach out and put your hand on it, it seems just right and excellent forethought, not “too much.”
It may seem to you that this is going slowly, but the important thing is that it’s going smoothly. Some outfits take time because things go wrong. This time everything is going right and the process is a pleasure for all of us.
You are so funny and your imagination makes me smile! I enjoyed your thoughts on me being a seamstress in Colonial times, and my sister being my supplier of trims and laces. What a fun thought!
I should take comfort in what you say about things going slowly but smoothly… there really haven’t been any problems… just lots to do…
Thank you Marilyn,
Blessings, Jeanne
Oh, I do like a nice finish on the inside of a garment. It certainly makes the whole process slower though. The ribbon you picked out will be perfect with the floral fabric. I think Felicity will love the dress, and of course, all of us will too! I can’t wait to see it with the linen petticoat and the necklace Rebecca made.
HI Carolyn,
I’m just about finished and I can’t wait to see it all together too! I don’t think any of my Felicity’s have ever had such a pretty dress. Green was definitely the right choice this time.
Thanks so much Carolyn,
Blessings, Jeanne