Just a quick picture to show you the cake I made for our church picnic on Sunday. I was going to make cupcakes and make each one like a little tuft of grass, but decided to just make a big cake and put my robin eggs in the “coconut” grass. I think all the little kids will like this.
Yesterday I showed you my girls with their Easter baskets. If you missed that post, you can see it HERE. As I was looking at my pictures, I noted a fair number of bunnies and lambs…and since I’m pretty busy on this Saturday before Easter, I thought I’d give you another picture show of them…
Isabelle is going to start us out in her Golden Delicious dress set with her sweet little lamb…
[If you click on any picture it will enlarge.]
I found these cute little bunny erasers at a toy store in town and called this dress on Bitty Bethany, “Bunny in my Pocket!”
Isabelle’s up next in a yellow and blue print dress with a white bunny as her pal…
Tiny little Riley Kish got another one of those Easter bunny erasers for her dress too…
Lian, my 13″ Effner Little Darling doll, ended up with this adorable bunny with a fancy hat…
Isabelle and Janie wanted to show you their little lambs…
Patsy and Elin got another one of those cuddly little lambs…
Next Patsy and Elin share a burgundy bunny for this dress. I can’t decide who “wears it best…”… can you?
I showed some of my top dresses one time and you all voted this as your favorite dress on Patsy… she’s captured one of those sweet bunnies for herself. Elin is helping her out with the pictures too…
Bitty Bethany was a hard doll to pose. She didn’t stand very well and her head always tended to look down, so this was actually the best shot of her and her little lamb friend…
Isabelle definitely has the most pictures with bunnies and lambs…
Molly is showing you her bunny from a LONG time ago…
…and last up… Janie in a short platinum blonde wig that I almost cut too short, showing you her lavender linen jumper and her little lamb friend…
…and my favorite lamb of all…
May you all have a wonderful Easter Day!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Easter to you dear Jeanne Marie! I love all the beautiful outfits on your dolls, especially the ones on the Little Darlings. If I could comment on each and every picture, it would take all day! I sometimes think my comments are too long, and take up too much room , so I will make it short and sweet—-love the cake, and I hope the weather holds out for your picnic!
Hi Linda,
First of all, your comments are never too long. I always love hearing your thoughts and seeing what you have to say. Thank you for your kind comments on my Easter dresses and their little animals.
The rain never came and we had a perfect picnic. The sun is shining outside right now and it’s beautiful.
The cake was good and the whopper robin eggs on top were the best part!
Thanks Linda,
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Easter picnic day to you and your family. What luck to find all the bunnies.
Hi Jan,
Our picnic was nice…no rain and lots of good food.
You should see my eyes light up when I find new little animals to use for my dolls!
I hope you had a nice day,
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Easter Jeanne!
Hi Christine,
I hope you had a wonderful Easter too.
Thank you, Jeanne
Happy Easter Jeanne… Love all your pictures but the last one speaks to me most! AMEN
Enjoy your day
Love in Christ
Thank you Ingrid,
I hope your Easter Day was full of wonderful things! I appreciate your kind comments,
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Easter! Have fun at your church picnic!
Hi Karen, and Happy Easter to you too!
I did have a good time at the picnic but now I’m full and sleepy…
Thanks for your comments.
Blessings, Jeanne
Your doll clothes for this season reflect an aspect of lambs, the Lamb….gentleness.
Thank you Becky for your very kind words…I am so glad to have you as part of my little
blog family!
Blessings, Jeanne
Easter cake, yum! Isabelle’s yellow/navy dress is adorable. Like the floral print on Elin/Patsy too. That lace collar, similar to the one on your last Patsy dress, is so perfect.
Have a nice picnic.
HI Joy,
The cake was pretty yummy I have to admit…and the weather was perfect after all…no rain on us today! yay!
I sort of copied that lace collar again from Patsy’s other dress… I like that style…
Blessings, Jeanne
Me, too, on my comments being too long. All of the dresses are so beautiful, eliciting “Wow! Sigh . . . Oooh.” I think I see a handkerchief edge used as a collar on Isabelle’s dress. Good use for my mother’s handkerchief collection. Love the cake. Thanks for all of the great ideas. Happy Easter!
Hi Susette,
Sorry, but no one’s comments are ever too long… just think of all the stuff we learn when you have long comments… so don’t stop!
You do see a hankie edge on Riley’s dress. I found that sweet hankie at an antique shop and knew it would make a great collar for her. I don’t know where the rest of it was used…I’ll have to think about what I did with the rest of it.
Thank YOU, Susette,
I hope your Easter was special…
Blessings,, Jeanne
Bitty Bethany in blue and green is SO beautiful.
Have a perfect Easter
HI Kathie,
My Easter was pretty nice… it’s just now starting to rain, so the picnic was a big hit… no rain then…
I liked Bitty Bethany in that green dress too. I sewed a lot of things for Bitty Bethany even though she wasn’t the best at modeling…
Blessings, Jeanne
Loved seeing all the pictures of the girls and their beautiful dresses and their little lambs, however, the last Lamb was an unexpected wonderful surprise. I got all emotional…in a good way, just as I do at Christmas!
Happy Easter dear Jeanne.
HI Paula,
What sweet things you’ve shared about the dresses and the lambs… all of the lambs! Thank you so much. I’m hoping your Easter day was wonderful…as mine certainly was.
Thank you Paula,
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Easter or Resurrection Day as my family calls it as well, Jeanne. Church was lovely this morning with all the Easter lilies in the sanctuary. Our church is quite old ( we celebrated 175 years in 2013. It was a sunny warm morning and the sun streaming through the stained glass was gorgeous. I hope you had a beautiful day as well for your picnic. Easter and Christmas are my favorite holidays by far.
All your girls look lovely with the lambs and bunnies. The Lamb at the end, was, of course, the best of all. Easter blessings to you.
HI Laura,
I had several people come up to me today and wish me Happy Resurrection Day too! We had lilies too. Our church is an outreach to the students attending the university in my town, so they were especially blessed by the picnic… as many of them long for home cooked food from their country. The motto of our church is “To be a home away from home for the Internationals.”
Thanks so much for your kind comments Laura,
Blessings, Jeanne
Hi Jeanne, I hope you had a nice Easter and maybe got a little rest! Ours was quiet–church and lunch out. The kids went to the other grandparent’s, so we will have our family get-together next weekend which is also my birthday. I’m looking forward to it.
HI Carolyn,
I did have a nice Easter, but the rest? not so much… but I am going to bed early tonight…
It sounds like you had a lovely day… and next weekend will be nice too.
Blessings, Jeanne