There’s a new girl coming to town… specifically, Detroit. American Girl just revealed their newest doll yesterday morning on CBS and she will be available sometime this summer. Her name is Melody Ellison and she will be the third African American doll in the BeForever line of historical dolls. Addy was the first African American Girl doll and she lived during the Civil War addressing the topic of slavery in America.
Melody will be living during the 1960’s, in the era of the civil rights movement. She’s a young 9 year old girl who loves to sing and wants to make a difference by using her voice.
Here are a few more pictures of Melody from the CBS feature…
If you’d like to see all of the pictures… you can click on this link, where all of the CBS pictures can be seen.
You can see some of her furniture pieces in the pictures; her bedroom set, her table and chairs, her recording studio.
They debated a long time on the texture and style of her hair and formed a six member panel to “get it right.”
So, does anyone have their finger on the “BUY” button yet? Will she be coming home with you?
Now for something different… I had a reader email me desperately asking if I had even a 10″ square of this lime green and red ladybugs fabric. I have searched my entire stash and can’t find a single scrap of it. Does anyone happen to have any of it? My reader would be very grateful…
I know what it’s like to think you have enough fabric so you start cutting out, then you realize you don’t have enough, or you have enough fabric, but you discover a flaw in it. It’s an awful feeling to have… If you do have any, please just let me know…
Well, ladies it’s finally time for that “nap” I never got today…It’ll be a LONG one…it somehow got to be midnight…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
No, Melody isn’t coming home with me! I already have Cecile, which is basically Melody with curly hair and hazel eyes. While she is cute, maybe I might get a few things from her collection to add to mine. I love that little bingo set she has! I also love the meet dress and the peplum dress, which is making a comeback now. Maybe Ivy could wear that!
Today I take my neighbor out for lunch at a local tea house. She turned 98 today, if you can believe, and is still “with it”. She lives on her own, has outlived 2 husbands, gets out and rakes and gardens all the time, volunteers at a local charity store, and is in great health. Hope I am that lucky!
I do hope you are all rested up now from the party, and anxious to get back to your “real job”!!
HI Linda,
I have to agree, Melody is a cutie, but she won’t be coming to my house either… her bangs limit her too much for me… Her bingo set was cute… I wonder what kind of response she’s gotten already?
Oh, I hope you had fun today taking your neighbor to lunch… wow…98! That is amazing to think how spry she is!
I feel much better today… it’s amazing how a good nights sleep helps!
Thanks so much Linda,
Blessings, Jeanne
Thanks for sharing the newest AG doll with us. She certainly represents an important part of USA history.
I don’t have any of that pretty ladybug fabric. Hope the reader can find some.
Take care.
HI Becky,
Thanks for looking in your stash of fabrics…I’m sure someone has to have a scrap of it somewhere!
Blessings, Jeanne
I think Melody might grow on us. I do like her blue shoes with matching handbag and dress. Pretty cute flip too.
HI Joy,
Melody does have a sweet hairdo, doesn’t she? I liked any of the pictures of her hair… She looks good in the lime green and aqua colors too. It will be interesting to see how everyone takes to her… and so the long wait begins…
Thanks so much,
Blessings, Jeanne
Melody is as sweet as she can be…her hair is a hoot…always envied those girls who could do a flip and make it stay…mine was good for maybe a half hour. She and Mary Ellen will make a cute pair they both have such cute clothes.
Sorry , I don’t have any lady bug fabric either.
HI Kathie,
I used to have a flip back in the 60’s myself…I’ll have to find a picture of my hair over at my moms… :o)
Thanks for checking in your fabric stash…
I talked to Dianna and she recommended a product called Remove-Zit for the stains I asked you about. I’m going to order some and send it to the lady… Thanks for your help. I remember you saying Robert Tonner uses Comet… Do you make it into a paste and apply it to the stains? I might try it on Kit’s leg…
Thanks Kathie,
Blessings, Jeanne
Do you think she will be in a Motown group? an important part of Detroit history.
HI Jan,
Yes, Motown will be part of her story… she will even come with a recording studio as one of her big ticket items…it must be quite expensive because one of the articles I read said if you bought the doll and her accessories and the recording studio, it would set you back about $900! Yikes!
Her story has to do with her singing… not sure exactly what it will be.
Thanks Jan,
Blessings, Jeanne
Melody is very cute, love her hair flip and her name. Her outfit is very cute too! I wanted to let you know I received the butterfly necklace I purchased from your Etsy store. It is so cute and tiny. Rebecca is really talented, I can’t imagine working with such tiny beads.
HI Regina,
Thanks so much for letting me know how much you like Rebecca’s necklace. The butterfly one you bought was very sweet, I thought. Yes, she’s very talented, and she taught herself how to make them… she can’t wait till next week, to make some more…
Thanks again,
Blessings, Jeanne
Hi Jeanne,
I was thrilled to see Melody. She is so cute with her flip hairstyle and her darling dress. Very much of that era. I also toured Hitsville USA in Detroit and Melody sure fits in there.
I don’t know if you remember me telling you that some time before we even knew of Melody, I got 3 dark complexioned dolls from AMGs and finally settled on them being sisters and a cousin. Singing girls and maybe one is an athletic type girl. They are modern girls so if I get Melody down the road, she could be a relative or an ancestor, which I like to do with some of my dolls.
Right now I’m trying to find accessories for Felicity- at least I have time before Melody arrives to take care of Felicity.
I think Melody represents that era perfectly and she could be a great friend to MaryEllen.
Hope you got some rest in.
P.S. Last week we went whale watching and got to see some mother whales with their calves. Close to a holy moment!
HI Paula,
I can just see you getting Melody and having all your girls in a girl-group singing songs from the 60’s. You really take your dolls seriously and make good decisions based on how they will fit into your scenarios. It’s fun to hear you talk about how you’ll incorporate them in with your other dolls.
What a neat experience to see the whales like you did! I’ve seen my hubby deliver baby calves before and ended up crying, so I know what you mean by the “moment!”
Thanks Paula,
Blessings, Jeanne
I’m so glad you are giving yourself time for a nap. You deserve it.
Melody is so Jackie, as well as so Motown. I’m looking forward to seeing all of her outfits and am nearly certain to buy the Meet outfit. A lot of things are reminding me of the 60s and 70s right now. Is anyone else being reminded of a movie about that era called The Long Walk Home?
I just recommended it to a 12 year old who is being threatened because she told her mother that one of the boys in her class said he was going to bring a gun to shoot one of his teachers. Her mother is keeping her at home, though she lets her go to the library, accompanied by a family member. Her latest treasure is a book of poetry from a box at the library. It has the owner’s name and the date — 1937 — and among the pages, a grocery list in the same handwriting. She’s thrilled. Bella is my version of Sara and Hannah — a really wonderful girl with endless imagination and talent. When she’s not reading and writing poetry or working on choreography, she’s dressing her Isabelle and Josefina dolls.
HI Marilyn,
When I first saw Melody, I thought the exact same thing…only I said myself, “She’s so Jackie-O!” She will look nice in all the bright “winter” toned colors.
Oh, my goodness, how scary for that little girl… It’s nice that she has her books to keep her mind off things and get lost in the words on the pages… She sounds like a little sweetie!
Thanks Marilyn,
Blessings, Jeanne
Thanks for the heads-up on Melody!! I’ve shared the CBS story to my facebook page, and am going to send the link to my girlfriend, Marika, too–she loves AG dolls, and we always have lunch at our local AG Place Bistro every January!
I, too, think they have done a good job (from what I can see) with Melody’s hair and clothes. The lime green/aqua combo is very 1960s–I remember a wedding at my dad’s church back then, and that was the color combination used! The maid of honor’s gown was the reverse colors of the bridesmaids’–one was aqua with lime green trim, and the other, lime green with aqua trim!
Sorry, I can’t help with that fabric. The last time I bought anything lime green was probably a piece of polyester doubleknit in about 1967!! LOL
Just had a thought….if the lady has some of the printed selvage, it might have the fabric company and even pattern name, and then she could google it, and do a search.
HI Charlotte,
I think Melody will be a cute doll for little girls to have. Her hair looks very sweet to me… It’s not too long and it doesn’t look like it would tangle too badly.
I like the aqua and lime green color very much myself and think it was the perfect Meet dress for her… very bright and colorful.
The fabric is from a few years ago and I’m sure it’s out of print… she doesn’t have a single scrap of it left… just like me…
Thanks Charlotte,
Blessings, Jeanne