Here’s my next Christmas dress in the works… and probably my last or second to the last one for this year. I have just run out of time to list them. Again, you’re going to have to use your imagination on this one. Can you guess what era it’s going to be from? (I gave it away in a previous post.) I took this picture but then worked on it a little bit more so I do have some of it constructed…but not enough for an interesting post, so I’ll show you a few pictures of it and then I have more Christmas dresses that everyone wanted to share… We have some real cuties in the bunch today…
If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.
Here are a few more Christmas dress pictures that you all sent to me to share. If you are just now seeing this and would like to share what you’ve been making, please send me your pictures and I’ll feature them on a future post.
This sweet Christmas dress is from Christine…isn’t it festive?
Karen has been busy making a few things…I think she said for her Etsy shop…
Beth didn’t get any Christmas doll dresses made, but she wanted to share this darling dress she made for her granddaughter…
Linda wanted to share some aprons she bought from her church raffle one year. She has Molly, Ruthie and Susan and the reason she “can’t” sew is because their Christmas tree is on top of her sewing cabinet… :o)
Kathie made these 2 dresses for a doll swap she participated in. The skirt fabric came from Germany and so did the tiny cameo at the neckline.
What a very fortunate swap partner who received these little dresses.
Paula shared this with me… “I have two pictures of Trisha. It’s Christmas Eve and her parents give Trisha a new dress made especially for her to wear to the Christmas program later on that night. Her parents took a picture of Trisha wearing her new Christmas dress. ( *note the box lid)
Then, the next picture is of Miss Savannah Love Monroe out for a spring ride in her parent’s carriage.
And the last pictures are of January Newport visiting her cousin ( I don’t have a name for January’s cousin.) The cousin is wearing your lovely Christmas plaid dress and January is borrowing the black print dress from one of my other Civil War dolls.”
Paula, I did click on the pictures and saw what was on the box lid… how sweet…and I also saw Molly’s ornament hanging on the tree… :o)
These next dresses were from April. I’m sorry, April, but I could not get your Sonja Henie doll picture to load.
April repaired and dressed the tiny Patsy doll.
Sherry, I plan on using your pictures in another post…so hold on…
I hope everyone enjoys looking at these doll dresses… It’s fun to see who’s making what for their dolls, isn’t it?
I hope I haven’t missed anyone so far. I was trying to load them to a draft as soon as I received them until I got enough to do a full post on them.
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
I do think I know what the new dress is going to be!! Love it! The black lace trim is just wonderful with the deep red and the crisp white shows it all off beautifully! Cecile would look lovely in that!!!
I loved seeing your readers doll pictures! Everyone is so talented! Maybe someday we will actually see something that I made, but don’t hold your breath! You mentioned to April that you couldn’t get her Sonja Henie doll picture to load. I used to have one in 18 inch size when a little girl, with her ice skating outfit and ice skates, and that was by far my favorite doll! Brought back wonderful memories!
HI Linda,
I’m a little late at getting my comments posted…I’ve been locked out for some reason…
Thanks for the compliments on the “mystery” dress…I’m sure you know though who it’s for!
Yes, Cecile would look lovely in this one…
I certainly hope to see one of your doll dresses some day Linda… Keep up your sewing…as soon as you can get that Christmas tree off your machine cabinet! :o)
Blessings to you Linda,
~ Jeanne
All is so sweet… Dreams for Christmas !
HI Pom,
Yes, all the dresses are lovely, aren’t they? Everyone is very talented and there are some very fortunate dolls out there who get to wear these pretty dresses!
Thanks for your comments, Pom.
Blessings, Jeanne
Your upcoming dress plans look great to me. Thank you for posting my pic. It is in my Etsy shop still. Everyone’s dresses look stunning.
HI Christine,
I’m hoping I can get my pictures to cooperate… that red and black and white want to compete with each other…and it all sort of glows. I might have to take this dress outside… on a cloudy day would work best for pictures…
I hope your dress sells…
Thanks so much Christine,
Blessings, Jeanne
Hi Jeanne,
So busy yesterday I didn’t see Felicity’s dress until very late. Yes, green is what she looks best in, and red. The dress turned out so sweet and I love the hat. I appreciated the tutorial on the hoop skirt. I have to make one for my Marie-Grace since she will move forward in time and be my Civil War doll in 1862. I also have to make Felicity her pocket hoops, pocket and figure out a way to make stays. I do have a grommet maker, so that will help. My daughter didn’t have her undergarments and I refuse to pay eBay prices for them. I plan to do those over the winter when there is time.
Your next dress will be the Civil War ball gown. I always enjoy seeing those. I enjoyed the Christmas pictures and seeing all the Civil War dresses over again in Paula’s collection. Her girls are certainly well dressed. That gray and black one was one of my favorites.
Jeanne, I have a post idea. You could showcase all the dresses you’ve made in a particular year over again at the end for us to see them once once more.
HI Laura,
Thanks so much for your kind words about Felicity’s dress. I do think green is her color… not that she can’t wear other colors, but green is definitely her BEST color.
It sounds like you have your work cut out for yourself for the next little while.
Yes, you guessed it…a Civil War, my favorite ones to make I think. I just love how they look and there are endless possibilities of how to make and embellish them.
Paula’s girls do look awfully sweet in her set up scenes don’t they? I was super impressed with how they looked.
I wrote down your idea for posting all the dresses I made this year… that’s a good idea and even I’d like to see that one!
Blessings, Jeanne
Thanks everyone who shared photos! Loved seeing everyone’s dresses.
Can’t wait to see the red & black number. Love the color choices.
HI Joy,
It’s fun to see what everyone has made for their dolls, isn’t it? Lots of pretty dresses out there.
I hope I can do this Civil War dress justice. I have it figured out in my mind and hope I can pull it off… I LOVE red and black with just a hint of white mixed in too.
Blessings, Jeanne
How fun to see everyone’s pictures of their dolls (so many different types of dolls too) and their doll clothes. I hope we see more. There are some dolls I don’t recognize as to what type they are. I think I recognized the Little Darling dolls. I have to get one!
Beth’s dress for her granddaughter is adorable. What a sweet pattern and material.
I’m hoping the red dress with black trim is for the Civil War Era. What beautiful red material and the black trim is perfect with the fresh looking white material. Can’t wait to see it done.
Have a blessed day, Jeanne.
Hi Paula,
Thanks so much for your pictures… I have been trying to get yours and Beth’s turned the right way, but I’ve been locked out of my pictures all day, for some strange reason. They were the right way when I posted them and they show they are the right way, but when I view them on my computer, they are sideways… I’m still hoping to get them right side up soon.
Your scenes are just adorable and I loved seeing how you had them placed. It must be fun to set them up… I would enjoy doing that! I love props and little knicky knacky things…
I tried straightening up Beth’s picture too, but couldn’t get it either. I’m hoping later on I can get in and fix it. She’s considering making that dress into a pattern to sell… :o)
You are’s a Civil War dress and I’m hoping to get it worked on today… I think it will be pretty if I can make it all cooperate the way I want it to.
Thanks Paula,
Blessings, Jeanne
The red dress is going to be a knockout!
Thanks for the Christmas Dress Pictures…one cuter than the other!
Gotta go make cookies!
HI Kathie,
It was my pleasure to showcase your sweet dresses. They are so adorable.
Thanks for the “premature” compliment on the red dress… I hope you’re right!
Are you making those “cherry” cookies I saw on the forum being talked about?
Blessings, Jeanne
I see everyone’s posts and couldn’t agree more. How lovely to see all the different dresses. Thanks to everyone for sending the pictures. All the different patterns and materials are so interesting. Love the German fabric, the aprons, the crisp pleats and all the ingenuity and skill that went into those dresses. So glad I subscribe to this wonderful Blog. What a gift and inspiration!
HI Susette,
I’m so glad I began this blog so I could be a part of everyone’s talents too! It’s always fun to see what everyone else is doing for Christmas dresses. I need to sew Fall/Winter dresses from August to December and then Spring/Summer dresses from January to July…that way maybe I might get something made for each of the girls…maybe even more than one dress!
Thank you very much Susette,
I haven’t gotten back to your email yet… but wanted to let you know I’m waiting on Rebecca to finish up her projects this week from college. She’ll let me know about your necklaces soon…
Blessings, Jeanne
Dressing dolls is a talent, just like making doll dresses is. You can tell — a lot of people on Ebay are quite bad at it. But your blog group is remarkably good at it and many sew well besides. I’ve really enjoyed the two days with everyone contributing.
HI Marilyn,
I have too! It’s been fun to see what everyone has been up to!
Blessings, Jeanne