Pink & White Dress for American Girl Molly…”almost” finished…

Well, I told you I had something in the works, but apparently I didn’t work hard enough…because it’s almost done, but not quite. I know it doesn’t seem to matter to my subscribers if it’s completed or not, you still seem to enjoy seeing something half done. So I decided to go ahead and show you. This way, you can start planning if you want to add it to your dolls wardrobe. *hint* *hint*

The dress is copied from a 1946 Sears catalog and I’ve included that picture along with the description. The price was an unbelievable $1.50!!



I like that line in there…”spic and span” looking and think my dress looks pretty “spic and span” too! Hope you agree…the skirt is gathered up but not attached. It’s just pinned on…and I do believe I see some tiny little checks used…






I think I’ll make Molly a new pair of socks to go with it and a pretty ribbon to tie in her hair.

I’m hopeful that I can get it finished tomorrow and will list it on Ebay.

One more thing… when I listed Kirsten’s “Swedish Dreams” dirndl, I mentioned that I would make a slip to wear under the dress to hold it out, if it made it to $100 or higher… well, it did, and so, here’s that slip I promised.



See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Pink & White Dress for American Girl Molly…”almost” finished…”

  1. Jeanne, that is a darling dress for Molly! It is something I would have worn when I as in school, or just anywhere, since we wore dresses more than pants back then! I love the pretty, fresh-looking pink print too, with the gingham checked trim. Just darling! My Molly would love something like that!

    Well, yesterday was quite the day around here! I thought we were going to float away with all that rain! I have never seen our neighborhood so full of water as it was yesterday! I see that you had it too, and now we are in for it AGAIN the next few days!

    1. HI Linda,
      I think I would have liked this dress too. It’s made from a very soft cotton and isn’t stiff in the least. That makes a difference on the gathers…they just lay better.

      Yes, we had pretty bad thunderstorms too. Sara’s house lost power and they asked me to bring some coolers over for the stuff in their refrigerator. There power was off for about 12 hours but it finally came back on. My satellite wasn’t working, so I managed to do other things… So far today it’s just been misty but no real rain to speak of.
      It looks pretty green out…with all that rain we had.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Indeed, Molly looks spic and span. Wasn’t that also the name of a cleaning product? I always love when you add neckline ruffles, they’re so feminine. Sweet dress, Jeanne!

    1. HI Cindy,
      Thanks for your compliments and yes, Spic and Span was a cleaning product. I don’t think I’ve ever used Spic and Span to describe a dress though.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. She’s adorable in that dress…and yes the check trim is totally perfect on it!

    1. Thanks Kathie,
      I think she looks pretty sweet in this pink color. It matches her rosy cheeks! This was one of those dresses that went together perfectly!
      Thanks so much for your compliments!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Hi Regina,
      Thank you for reading my posts every day. I hope you decorate something pretty with your new checked ribbon. I may have started something with all the “checked” ribbon ladies will be buying.
      Blessings, Jeanne

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