A few years ago I bought one of Magalie Dawson’s (vtdawson on Ebay) patterns and was very excited to make a pair of jeans for my Wren (Helen Kish) doll. It was a very intricate jeans pattern and took LOTS of time. (Magalie’s patterns are wonderful, by the way…) Wren is only 14″ tall and skinny, so the jeans were tiny, as you might imagine.
I had this whole design in mind… a pair of jeans, boots, a knit long sleeve top, a sherpa vest, a hat,and a basket with some fish in it. The only thing I was missing was a fishing pole, but I was happy with the direction I was headed anyway. I think I spent 2 days on the set, which is a long time for me. I thought it was adorable and I couldn’t wait to get it listed on Ebay.
My pictures weren’t great…that crummy camera again… but I still thought it came across as cute and I was anxious to see who would win it and how high would the bidding go. I started the bidding at $24.99…and I waited…and I waited… DON’T YOU THINK THESE FISH ARE CUTE AND ISN”T THAT VEST SWEET???
The whole week went by and I think I may have had 10 hits, but I told myself everyone was going to wait until the end and do some “last minute” bidding. Well, it got down to the last hour and I was starting to get discouraged… all that work and hardly a hit and not one bid…
The last minute was grueling… I watched as the seconds ticked by and finally at the last minute… someone bid… my original bid… $24.99…
I cried… really I did! The only listing I ever cried over. I was heart broken, but decided it was okay. I boxed it up, tearfully, and sent it to the winner with a note in it congratulating them on their “wonderful win!”
I haven’t made that pattern since then, but I was thinking I should have tried again… maybe it was listed on a Monday night and everyone was watching Dancing with the Stars, or maybe it was on a Thursday night and everyone was watching Survivor. Maybe it was in competition with another really fabulous auction that was ending at the same time… who knows…(It’s funny now as I look at these pictures…it’s not my favorite either… oh well…)
What I do know, is, it didn’t stop me from trying… I’m still listing things on Ebay… sometimes getting surprised in a “wonderful way” and sometimes in a “not so good way!” I still love the thrill of seeing what happens in the last 5 seconds… do you?
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Well, I think it’s ADORABLE!!!!
Jeanne, I love your vest, especially, but as for the jeans pattern, I must have made it 20 times. It really gets easier the more I make it. Even enlarged it for 16 Kish Jackson. Did you cut down AG boots? They look like the same ones I cut down for my Kish.
Thanks Cindy,
At the time of the listing, I thought it was too. Now – not so much… Parts of it I like: the jeans turned out perfect and were a perfect fit, but those boots… What was I thinking?
Oh well…
Since you make those Huggs boots, (that’s what I needed….yours!) I thought you’d notice the vest. It was just something I made up as I went along.
The boots were something I found at a little doll shop nearby. They weren’t perfect by any means, but the only thing I could find… it may have been better to have her be barefoot… this is the one time it would have been appropriate.
Thanks Sissy,
Blessings, Jeanne
I think your outfit is beautiful !! Your starting price was certainly low enough to create some interest. I think non-sewers do not fully understand the amount of time, material & work that goes into creating a really delightful outfit.
Having said that I fully understand how disappointing it can be to work hard on an outfit and get little or no response. I have one now that has been sitting on my dolly clothes rack for a year. I thought it was a great idea, I spent some good money on the fabrics and patiently sewed and stitched this dress. No one was interested at any price. It was a lesson though, for me, as I now can see what the issue people were having with it. Putting black on an LD is just not delightful!!! oh, well………..
Hi Jeannie,
Oh, how I feel your pain! It’s so disappointing when we think we have a wonderful plan for an outfit and then it falls flat! Fortunately for me, I’ve actually only had one outfit that didn’t sell. It was something for Kit, (American Girl) and I relisted it 3 times… no takers. So I gave it to my best friends little girl, who LOVED it… just needed to find the right home I guess.
It’s funny, when I sold little girls dresses, black was my number one seller… black prints that is… I guess it works for little girls, but not Little Darlings!
Thanks Jeannie,
Blessings, Jeanne